Expeditors International of Washington Aktie

107,65 EUR -0,15 EUR -0,14 %
110,48 USD -0,71 USD -0,64 %
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Marktkap. 15,04 Mrd. EUR

KGV 25,37 Div. Rendite 1,08%

WKN 875272

ISIN US3021301094

Symbol EXPD

Expeditors International of Washington Aktie Analyse

08.05.19 Expeditors International of Washington Market Perform Cowen and Company, LLC
20.02.19 Expeditors International of Washington Market Perform Cowen and Company, LLC
08.08.18 Expeditors International of Washington Hold Stifel, Nicolaus & Co., Inc.
08.08.18 Expeditors International of Washington Market Perform Cowen and Company, LLC
09.05.18 Expeditors International of Washington Market Perform Cowen and Company, LLC
21.02.18 Expeditors International of Washington Market Perform Cowen and Company, LLC
21.02.18 Expeditors International of Washington Hold Stifel, Nicolaus & Co., Inc.
08.11.17 Expeditors International of Washington Market Perform Cowen and Company, LLC
02.10.17 Expeditors International of Washington overweight Barclays Capital
22.02.17 Expeditors International of Washington Market Perform Cowen and Company, LLC
21.04.16 Expeditors International of Washington Hold BB&T Capital Markets
15.04.16 Expeditors International of Washington overweight Barclays Capital
18.03.16 Expeditors International of Washington Market Perform Cowen and Company, LLC
07.01.16 Expeditors International of Washington Sector Perform RBC Capital Markets
25.08.15 Expeditors International of Washington Buy Stifel, Nicolaus & Co., Inc.
20.08.15 Expeditors International of Washington Equal weight Barclays Capital
25.02.15 Expeditors International of Washington Mkt Perform FBR Capital
16.10.12 Expeditors International of Washington neutral Robert W. Baird & Co. Incorporated
01.03.11 Expeditors International of Washington buy UBS AG
14.07.09 Expeditors International of Washington neutral Credit Suisse Group
03.07.09 Expeditors International of Washington boerse.de-Aktienbrief
21.11.08 Expeditors International of Washington boerse.de-Aktienbrief
15.12.06 Expeditors International of Washington Neutral HSBC Securities
16.08.06 Expeditors International of Washington Neutral HSBC Securities
16.08.06 Expeditors International of Washington Neutral HSBC Securities
24.05.06 Expeditors International of Washington neutral Robert W. Baird
07.04.06 Expeditors International of Washington kaufen Fuchsbriefe
13.12.05 Expeditors International of Washington Underweight Morgan Stanley