Why Build-A-Bear Workshop Stock Jumped 11% Last Month

04.11.24 16:06 Uhr

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Shares of Build-A-Bear Workshop (NYSE: BBW) jumped 10.8% in October, according to data provided by S&P Global Market Intelligence. On one hand, this is a small-cap stock with low trading volume, which means that even subtle shifts in investor sentiment can make big waves with the stock price. Therefore, it's important to not read too much into the move. But there are some positive things happening with the business.For context, Build-A-Bear's financial results had steadily declined for roughly a decade leading up to the pandemic. Then, seemingly out of nowhere, revenue and earnings per share skyrocketed to all-time highs. The question on every investor's mind is consequently, "Are these results sustainable?"I see reason for optimism with a recent hire for Build-A-Bear. On Oct. 29, the company hired Kim Utlaut as its chief brand officer. Utlaut has 20 years experience in senior leadership at Coca-Cola. It's a big hire and the company made the move to try to sustain and build upon record results.Continue readingWeiter zum vollständigen Artikel bei MotleyFool

Ausgewählte Hebelprodukte auf Build-A-Bear Workshop

Mit Knock-outs können spekulative Anleger überproportional an Kursbewegungen partizipieren. Wählen Sie einfach den gewünschten Hebel und wir zeigen Ihnen passende Open-End Produkte auf Build-A-Bear Workshop


Quelle: MotleyFool

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Analysen zu Build-A-Bear Workshop Inc.

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