Rio Tinto halts Simandou after fatal accident

28.10.24 16:53 Uhr

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Rio Tinto (ASX: RIO) has halted operations at its Simandou iron ore project in Guinea, after a contractor’s death.The fatal incident occurred at the SimFer port site of the project on Saturday and the company said is collaborating with its partners and relevant authorities to conduct a comprehensive investigation.Chief executive Jakob Stausholm extended his condolences to the family, friends, colleagues and communities affected by the tragedy. This is Rio Tinto’s fifth fatality in 2024. Four employees died in January when a charter flight to the Diavik diamond mine in northern Canada crashed. Before this accident, Rio had five consecutive years without fatalities at its managed operations.The world’s second largest miner obtained in July all necessary regulatory approvals to resume construction at its vast Simandou iron ore asset, the world’s biggest mining project.The mine, which Rio is co-developing with a Chinese consortium, is set to be the world’s largest and highest grade new iron ore mine, adding around 5% to global seaborne supply when it comes on line. First production from Simandou is scheduled for next year. The mine will contribute an annual supply of nearly 120 million tonnes of high-quality iron ore once it reaches full capacity.Weiter zum vollständigen Artikel bei

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