Is Berkshire Hathaway a Millionaire-Maker?

26.11.24 11:00 Uhr

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458,85 EUR -4,60 EUR -0,99%



17.376,2 PKT -3,2 PKT -0,02%

2.902,9 PKT 19,7 PKT 0,68%

6.032,4 PKT 33,6 PKT 0,56%

Warren Buffett is widely regarded as one of the best investors of all time, and the stock of the company he runs, Berkshire Hathaway (NYSE: BRK.B) (NYSE: BRK.A), has helped create a number of millionaires over the years. In fact, it has even helped create a couple of billionaires in Buffett and his now-deceased former right-hand man, Charlie Munger.The question now, though, is: Can the stock be a millionaire-maker in the years to come? Although I think the stock will continue to do fine over the long term, I actually would buy at current prices. Let's look at why I would pass on buying Berkshire Hathaway stock at the moment.Above all else, Buffett is a value investor who looks to buy great companies when he thinks there is a disconnect between their current valuations and their intrinsic value. This investment strategy has served Buffett well over time. But recently, it appears he has been struggling to find attractive stock investments, including with his own stock.Continue readingWeiter zum vollständigen Artikel bei MotleyFool

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Quelle: MotleyFool

Nachrichten zu Berkshire Hathaway Inc. B

Analysen zu Berkshire Hathaway Inc. B

17.05.2012Berkshire Hathawa b kaufenDer Aktionär
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17.05.2012Berkshire Hathawa b kaufenDer Aktionär
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