123Invent Inventor Develops Guilt-Free Coating for Frying Chicken & Pork Chops (OSK-1152)
PITTSBURGH, March 4, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- "I wanted to create a guiltless coating recipe that would provide a healthier alternative when frying chicken and pork chops in oil," said an inventor, from Pittsburg, Calif., "so I invented the GUILTLESS CHICKEN AND PORK CHOPS. My recipe helps reduce guilt, inflammation, and other health issues when enjoying fried foods."
The invention provides a delicious and guilt-free means of coating chicken and pork chops.
In doing so, it promotes healthy frying of foods. As a result, it may reduce various health issues associated with inflammation, and it could reduce the incidence of arthritis as well as diabetes. Additionally, as part of a healthy eating regime for improved wellness, it reduces the guilt associated with enjoying fried foods.
The GUILTLESS CHICKEN AND PORK CHOPS is currently available for licensing or sale to manufacturers or marketers. For more information, visit www.guiltlesschickenandporkchops.com. Or contact Robert Hancock at 510-417-7063 or email info@guiltlesschickenandporkchops.com.
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SOURCE InventHelp