Why Amgen's Weight Loss Result Is a Win for Eli Lilly

27.11.24 09:57 Uhr

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745,20 EUR -9,70 EUR -1,28%



17.219,6 PKT 134,7 PKT 0,79%

2.894,9 PKT 21,7 PKT 0,75%

6.021,6 PKT 34,3 PKT 0,57%

Shares of Amgen (NASDAQ: AMGN) recently ticked lower despite a very positive-sounding press release regarding its weight management candidate. According to the giant drugmaker, treatment with an anti-obesity candidate called MariTide helped patients reduce their weight by up to 20% after 52 weeks.On the surface, 20% weight loss after 52 weeks for a monthly injection is commendable. Unfortunately, the reported benefit probably isn't strong enough to consider the still-experimental treatment a potential market leader.Amgen's anti-obesity program might not be firing on all cylinders, but that doesn't necessarily make it a bad investment. Here's a look under the hood to see if now is a good time to buy, sell, or hold the biotech stock.Continue readingWeiter zum vollständigen Artikel bei MotleyFool

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Quelle: MotleyFool

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