Walgreens Is Closing 1,200 Stores and Investors Should Expect Even More Big Moves in the Future

07.11.24 14:30 Uhr

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8,59 EUR 0,25 EUR 3,05%



17.376,2 PKT -3,2 PKT -0,02%

2.883,2 PKT -11,8 PKT -0,41%

5.998,7 PKT -22,9 PKT -0,38%

Walgreens Boots Alliance (NASDAQ: WBA) is in the midst of a significant turnaround. New CEO Tim Wentworth is trying to improve the company's financials and make the stock a much more appealing option for long-term investors. It won't be easy amid rising costs and heightened competition.By becoming leaner and shedding unprofitable stores, Walgreens can hopefully make strides in getting back to breakeven and being in a better position to consistently post profits. Wentworth recently announced the company will close approximately 1,200 stores over the next few years. Today, it has around 8,500 locations in the U.S.However, there are still many levers Wentworth can pull on to improve the company's operations, and investors shouldn't be surprised if there are more big moves to come.Continue readingWeiter zum vollständigen Artikel bei MotleyFool

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Quelle: MotleyFool

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