Rick Kuhlman Elected to FINRA's NAC Council
Kuhlman, Cambridge's SVP and Chief Legal Officer, secured majority vote from nearly 150 FINRA
member firms
FAIRFIELD, Iowa, March 10, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- Cambridge Investment Research, Inc. ("Cambridge"), a financial solutions firm serving 3,800 financial professionals nationwide, is pleased to announce that Senior Vice President and Chief Legal Officer Rick Kuhlman has been elected to FINRA's National Adjudicatory Council (NAC), the organization's appellate body for disciplinary cases. Kuhlman secured the majority vote from nearly 150 FINRA member firms, earning the large firm seat on the council. His appointment is effective immediately.
The NAC is responsible for reviewing all disciplinary decisions issued by FINRA hearing panels and presides over disciplinary matters that have been appealed to or called for review. The council also reviews statutory disqualification matters, considers appeals of membership proceedings, exercises exemptive authority, and acts in other proceedings included in FINRA's Code of Procedure.
"I'm honored to join the NAC and contribute to its mission," Kuhlman said. "The experience I've gained throughout my career has shaped my belief that our industry thrives when fairness and accountability prevail. I'm committed to bringing this perspective to the council, and I look forward to doing my part to maintain a trusted environment for advisors and clients."
Kuhlman joined Cambridge in 2019 and oversees Cambridge's Regulatory Affairs and Dispute Resolution Teams, as well as day-to-day operations of the Legal Department. He provides direction on relevant legal and regulatory issues for the firm with a focus on risk mitigation, and supports the growth of the firm's broker-dealer, insurance, and registered investment advisor operations. Prior to Cambridge, Kuhlman spent more than 25 years in the private practice of law, focused almost exclusively on securities litigation, regulation, and enforcement. He has tried cases in courts and before administrative bodies throughout the country, including state and federal appellate courts and the United States Supreme Court. Over the course of his career, he has navigated various administrative, disciplinary, and membership issues specific to the FINRA forum.
About Cambridge
Cambridge is a financial solutions firm focused on serving independent financial professionals and their clients while preserving its internal control. Cambridge offers a broad range of choices for independent financial professionals regarding solutions for advice, growth, technology, and independence. Cambridge's national reach includes: Cambridge Investment Research Advisors, Inc. – a large corporate RIA; and Cambridge Investment Research, Inc. – an independent broker-dealer, member FINRA/SIPC, that is among the largest internally controlled independent broker-dealers in the country. Learn more at JoinCambridge.com.
Contact: Jeff Wulf, Senior Vice President, Cambridge: jeff.wulf@cir2.com or 800-777-6080
View original content:https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/rick-kuhlman-elected-to-finras-nac-council-302396240.html
SOURCE Cambridge