New Videos for Creating Accessible Public Art Spaces
TORONTO, March 20, 2025 /CNW/ - has created sixteen videos to help create better, more age-friendly and accessible public art spaces.
The creators describe their videos as a reflection of their love of art and desire for more people to enjoy connective outdoor spaces.
Useful to architects, artists, people with disabilities, landscape designers and healthy cities advocates, the video series is divided into four parts at Toronto's urbanism magazine,
(1.) Can I go there? Do I want to go there?
Mind Friendly Videos: Rest Area, Open / Free, Quiet Space, Green Space, Disability-Led Co-Led.
(2.) Can I move around and get close to the art?
Mobility Videos: Needed Ramp, Spacious Path, Level Ground, Paved Path, Cane Detectable.
(3.) What do I feel?
Multisensory Videos: Tactile Art, Sound Art.
(4.) What do I think?
Signage & Interpretation Videos: Visual Description, Audio Guide, Large Text, Tactile Signage.
AccessArt / is a team of Disabled, D/deaf and Neurodivergent artists and collaborators who have assessed over 1,650 outdoor art sites across Canada. AccessArt's mission is to expand who shapes and enjoys the benefits of creative public spaces. This work has been supported by the Canada Council for the Arts.
Video Production Credits:
Actors: Anika Abdullah, Victoria Vickers, Ingrid Palmer, Lorna Craig, Adam Cohoon. Voice over: Gloria Bernal. Video Editor: Justin Peterson. Producers: Lorna Craig and Devon Ostrom.
Many Thanks To:
AccessArt / Research Teams, Consultation Experts & Special Guests, ArtsPond, AccessNow, City of Toronto, Spacing Magazine, The Robert McLaughlin Gallery, Art Gallery of Ontario, Tangled Art + Disability & The Canada Council for the Arts.