Arco Vara is planning a bond issue
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Arco Vara plans to issue bonds on 13.12.2024 in the maximum amount of 4 million euros with maturity date no later than 12.12.2026. The maximum amount of bonds shall be 400 with the nominal value of 10 000 euros. Planned interest rate is 10% per annum and interest payments will be made quarterly. The priority of subscribing bonds is the order of applications, i.e. first come, first served. Management board is authorized to change the conditions of the issue.
The bond issue will be made in accordance with Article 1 of Regulation (EU) 2017/1129 of the European Parliament and of the Council and is not public. Information about the intent to subscribe shall be submitted by email.
Proceeds of the bond issue will be used as own financing for Arcojärve development project.
CEO of Arco Vara Kristina Mustonen’s comment: "Arco Vara has been issuing two-year bonds with a good interest rate for years. The previous bonds expire on 13.12.2024, and we would like to continue with the tradition of bonds. Arco Vara bonds have proven themselves as a stable, safe and profitable investment tool for professional investors.”
Arco Vara organizes an autumn investor event called Tark Raha 14/11: real estate market trends, bonds in a small investor's portfolio and an insight into Arco Vara's back room on 14.11.2024 at 17:30 in Telliskivi F-Building’s Black Box in Tallinn. The terms of the planned bonds will also be discussed in more detail. Snacks will be provided, the event is free and open to everyone.
Tiina Malm
Arco Vara AS
Tel: +372 5358 5451
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