Why Hertz Stock Tumbled and Then Recovered Today

12.11.24 21:49 Uhr

Hertz Global Holdings (NASDAQ: HTZ) stock initially tumbled Tuesday by as much as 11.9% after the car rental giant posted a disappointing third-quarter earnings report before the opening bell. However, the stock then made a surprising recovery over the course of the session, and was up by 9.2% as of 3:20 p.m. ET.Here's why.Image source: Getty Images.Continue readingWeiter zum vollständigen Artikel bei MotleyFool

Quelle: MotleyFool

Nachrichten zu Hertz Global Holdings IncShs

Analysen zu Hertz Global Holdings IncShs

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27.09.2016Hertz Global Equal WeightBarclays Capital
25.11.2014Hertz Global HoldDeutsche Bank AG

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