Prescott College Celebrates Renaming of Tucson City Park in Honor of Alumnus Danny Lopez
PRESCOTT, Ariz., Feb. 28, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- Prescott College President Dr. Barbara Morris acknowledges the recent renaming of a Tucson city park to honor Prescott College alumnus Danny Lopez, a Tohono O'odham educator, mentor, singer, and storyteller, who inspired his students with his own lifelong quest for knowledge.
According to a news release distributed by the City of Tucson, members of the Tucson City Council voted on February 19, 2025 on the change from Christopher Columbus Park to Danny Lopez Park following a renaming process after receiving a formal proposal to rename the park.
"We are grateful for alumnus Danny Lopez (Bachelor of Arts in Elementary Education and Teacher Certificate in Elementary Education with a Bilingual Endorsement in 1991 and a Masters of Arts in Elementary Education degree in 1998) who provided inspiration to generations while spreading knowledge of O'odham culture throughout his lifetime. It is fitting that the land in Tucson will be re-indigenized, and we look forward to celebrating this milestone in the coming months," stated Dr. Morris.
Prescott College, founded in 1966, has over a half-century of leadership in developing and refining experiential and online educational models that have kept the college at the forefront of institutions seeking to address urgent issues currently facing human societies. Collaborative learning, multidisciplinary studies, and experiential and field-based learning are hallmarks of the Prescott educational experience. Prescott offers bachelor's, master's, and doctoral degrees as well as certificate options. Prescott College students are educators, activists, counselors, researchers, innovators, and entrepreneurs—all of whom are eager to make a difference in their local and global communities. Prescott College is proud to serve a diverse student body that is passionate about making a long-lasting impact on society and the environment.
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