Better Biotech Stock to Buy With $1,500 Right Now: Viking Therapeutics vs. Summit Therapeutics

13.10.24 18:11 Uhr

Viking Therapeutics (NASDAQ: VKTX) and Summit Therapeutics (NASDAQ: SMMT) are both up-and-coming biotechs with no sales revenue, plenty of cash in the bank, big catalysts on the horizon, and pipeline strategies that could place them in major markets relatively soon.That makes them more appealing than most biotech companies out there. It also makes deciding which one is worth an investment of around $1,500 a bit complicated. Let's shed some light on this issue by analyzing both stocks and seeing which might go to higher heights over the long term.Viking is about to enter the home stretch in its bid to develop a therapy to treat obesity. Its lead candidate, VK2735, will soon enter its phase 3 clinical trials to test its injectable formulation, and it'll also soon start phase 2 trials for its oral formulation. All the data the company has published so far suggests that its candidate is fairly powerful, as well as fairly tolerable for patients.Continue readingWeiter zum vollständigen Artikel bei MotleyFool

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Quelle: MotleyFool

Nachrichten zu Viking Therapeutics Inc

Analysen zu Viking Therapeutics Inc

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18.09.2018Viking Therapeutics BuyH.C. Wainwright & Co.
16.07.2019Viking Therapeutics OutperformOppenheimer & Co. Inc.
14.03.2019Viking Therapeutics BuyMaxim Group
12.12.2018Viking Therapeutics BuyB. Riley FBR
18.09.2018Viking Therapeutics BuyMaxim Group
18.09.2018Viking Therapeutics BuyH.C. Wainwright & Co.

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