Got $5,000? Viking Therapeutics Stock Just Got a Big New Green Flag

07.11.24 16:15 Uhr

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With a gain of more than 531% over the last 12 months, shares of Viking Therapeutics (NASDAQ: VKTX) are a hot commodity, to say the least. And as of early November, there's one more big green flag suggesting that investors who take the plunge will be wealthier than before. Even an investment on the scale of $5,000 could see a meaningful run-up, assuming its plans to compete in the market for anti-obesity medicines come to fruition in the next couple of years.With that in mind, let's take a peek at why this stock is worth buying.As you probably know, Viking doesn't have any drugs approved for sale yet, but it does have a very promising investigational medicine that aims to help people to lose weight quickly and safely. That means it aspires to directly compete with the likes of Eli Lilly and Novo Nordisk, the big pharmas that currently split the bulk of the market for weight loss drugs.Continue readingWeiter zum vollständigen Artikel bei MotleyFool

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Quelle: MotleyFool

Nachrichten zu Viking Therapeutics Inc

Analysen zu Viking Therapeutics Inc

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16.07.2019Viking Therapeutics OutperformOppenheimer & Co. Inc.
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12.12.2018Viking Therapeutics BuyB. Riley FBR
18.09.2018Viking Therapeutics BuyMaxim Group
18.09.2018Viking Therapeutics BuyH.C. Wainwright & Co.

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