Amazon Is an E-Commerce Beast, but This Much Smaller Segment Makes Up 60% of Its Operating Profit

16.11.24 09:30 Uhr

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191,54 EUR 2,34 EUR 1,24%



44.736,6 PKT 440,1 PKT 0,99%

20.804,9 PKT 28,7 PKT 0,14%

19.054,8 PKT 51,2 PKT 0,27%

2.873,3 PKT 4,2 PKT 0,15%

5.987,4 PKT 18,0 PKT 0,30%

When most people think of Amazon (NASDAQ: AMZN), it's the company's vast e-commerce business that comes to mind. That is, after all, what generates the bulk of its revenue. But to compete on price with other retailers (both online and brick-and-mortar stores), its margins need to be razor-thin. And that means its profits from that area of its operations aren't huge.Even though the company generates hundreds of billions of dollars in revenue thanks to its online stores, it's a much smaller segment of its business that brings in the lion's share of its operating profit. It's also the segment that growth investors are often most excited about: Amazon Web Services (AWS).Amazon's cloud computing business, AWS, is a key part of the company's growth. But what may surprise you is that it's an even more important part of its bottom line.Continue readingWeiter zum vollständigen Artikel bei MotleyFool

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Quelle: MotleyFool

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