123Invent Inventors Develop New Location Device for Mugs & Drink Coolers (CTK-1645)
PITTSBURGH, March 17, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- "We thought there should be a simple way to locate your missing mug or drink cooler using your phone," so we invented the LOCATION CHIP DEVICE. Our design could help save money by eliminating the need to replace lost or missing items."
The provides an effective way to locate a cooler, mug, can, and insulated beverage holder. In doing so, it helps prevent lost or misplaced items. As a result, it saves time and effort. It also eliminates the need to purchase replacement items. The invention features an innovative design that is easy to use so it is ideal for the general population, households, outdoor enthusiasts, beach and pool goers, etc.
The LOCATION CHIP DEVICE is currently available for licensing or sale to manufacturers or marketers. For more information, visit www.locationchipdevice.com. Or contact Scott Lidbeck & Jason Wold at 320-220-2672 or email info@locationchipdevice.com.
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SOURCE InventHelp