123Invent Inventor Develops New Tool Set for HVAC Technicians (MHO-579)
PITTSBURGH, March 18, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- "As an HVAC technician, I thought there could be a better tool for accessing service valves and the refrigerant system," said an inventor, from Rogers, Ark., "so I invented the H V A C SERVICE VALVE CAP WRENCH. My design eliminates the need to use and transport separate tool sets."
The invention provides one compact and convenient set of three wrenches. In doing so, it allows the proper torque to be achieved. It also reduces the time to adjust a wrench or pliers. As a result, it saves valuable time. The invention features a lightweight and efficient design that is easy to keep track of and less likely to be lost. Additionally, it eliminates the caps from being damaged.
The H V A C SERVICE VALVE CAP WRENCH is currently available for licensing or sale to manufacturers or marketers. For more information, visit www.hvacservicevalvecapwrench.com. Or contact Tyler Roney at 479-295-0107 or email info@hvacservicevalvecapwrench.com.
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SOURCE InventHelp