123Invent Inventor Develops New Aquaponic Composting System (CTK-1643)
PITTSBURGH, March 17, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- "I thought there should be a way to utilize aquatic compost for hydroponics," said an inventor, from Brownwood, Texas, "so I invented the WALSTADT ATTENBOROUGH AQUAPONIC COMPOSTING ECOLOGIES. My design offers numerous benefits like providing fertilizer, producing carbon neutral food, and providing an effective wildlife habitat."
The invention distributes agricultural resources while providing fertilizer and plant nutrients. In doing so, it reduces or eliminates methane emissions associated with landfills, it eliminates soil runoff that pollutes water sources, and it may be used in wastewater treatment. Additionally, the invention offers clean water filtration, it restores insect habitats, it produces carbon neutral food to reduce food costs, and it offers a cheap carbon capture design.
The WALSTADT ATTENBOROUGH AQUAPONIC COMPOSTING ECOLOGIES is currently available for licensing or sale to manufacturers or marketers. For more information, visit www.walstadtattenboroughaquaponiccompostingecologies.com. Or contact William Early at 325-320-5868 or email info@aquaponiccompostingecologies.com.
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SOURCE InventHelp