123Invent Inventor Develops Full-Body Heating Pad for EMS Stretchers (PPK-118)
PITTSBURGH, March 6, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- "As an EMT, I wanted to create a full-body heating pad for use upon EMS stretchers," said an inventor, from Barboursville W.V., "so I invented the ETMS. My design increases comfort for trauma patients, and it could improve their chances of survival."
The patent-pending invention features a temperature management system that has been developed to address the critical issue of hypothermia in emergency care. Designed for use in various settings, this innovative solution helps maintain consistent body temperatures in patients suffering from hypothermia or related conditions. By offering a practical and effective approach, it aims to enhance patient outcomes and reduce the risks associated with traumatic or environmental hypothermia. The invention is designed to provide active heating in EMS, and it provides multiple uses.
The FULL BODY HEATED PAD is currently available for licensing or sale to manufacturers or marketers. For more information, visit www.etmspad.com. Or contact Tyler Melson at 681-529-5177 or email info@etmspad.com.
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SOURCE InventHelp