W&W Europa-Fonds Fonds

57,86 EUR -0,04 EUR -0,07 %
57,87 EUR +0,14 EUR +0,24 %
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Top Holdings

Chart Asset Allocation
Name ISIN Anteil
Italy (Republic Of) 2.5% IT0005494239 4,96%
Spain (Kingdom of) 2.7% ES0000012B47 4,57%
ASML Holding NV NL0010273215 4,09%
Germany (Federal Republic Of) 0% DE0001102481 3,68%
Italy (Republic Of) 2.8% IT0005340929 3,49%
France (Republic Of) 0.25% FR0013200813 3,29%
Mercedes-Benz Group AG 1.125% DE000A2YPFU9 3,02%
France (Republic Of) 0% FR0013516549 2,94%
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 1.75% GB00BFWFPP71 2,46%
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 1.5% GB00BDCHBW80 2,37%
Sonstige 65,14%