UniInstitutional Equities Market Neutral Fonds

108,66 EUR -0,02 EUR -0,02 %
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Top Holdings

Chart Asset Allocation
Name ISIN Anteil
HSBC Bank PLC 3.87% XS2595829388 2,96%
Lithuania (Republic Of) 2.3% LT0000650087 2,88%
Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group Inc. XS2349788377 2,80%
Landesbank Baden-Wurttemberg 3.732% DE000LB39BG3 2,56%
Novo Nordisk Finance (Netherlands) B.V. 3.375% XS2820449945 2,40%
Caterpillar Financial Services Corporation 3.82% XS2730676553 2,37%
Royal Bank of Canada 3.645% XS2577030708 2,37%
Volvo Treasury AB (publ) 3.4% XS2944915201 2,37%
JT International Financial Services B.V. 1.125% XS1883352095 2,21%
Bank of America Corp. XS1991265478 2,14%
Sonstige 74,94%