Templeton Global Bond Fund S-H1 Fonds

7,21 EUR -0,01 EUR -0,14 %
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Top Holdings

Chart Asset Allocation
Name ISIN Anteil
Federal Home Loan Banks 0% US313384WG09 11,87%
The Republic of Korea 3.25% KR103501GD32 5,40%
Malaysia (Government Of) 3.899% MYBMO1700040 3,88%
New South Wales Treasury Corporation 2% AU3SG0002082 3,61%
Mexico (United Mexican States) 7.5% MX0MGO0001D6 3,01%
Treasury Corporation of Victoria 2.25% AU3SG0002504 2,97%
Uruguay (Republic of) 3.875% US917288BL51 2,72%
Secretaria Tesouro Nacional 9.91917% BRSTNCNTF1Q6 2,54%
Queensland Treasury Corporation 1.75% AU0000079402 2,42%
Norway (Kingdom Of) 1.75% NO0010732555 2,32%
Sonstige 59,25%