Raiffeisen-Euro-ShortTerm-Rent (R) T Fonds

97,44 EUR +0,01 EUR +0,01 %
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Top Holdings

Chart Asset Allocation
Name ISIN Anteil
Dexia SA 0.5% XS1751347946 2,50%
Alberta (Province Of) 0.625% XS1808478710 2,00%
The Toronto-Dominion Bank 3.77138% XS2895483787 1,77%
Austria (Republic of) 0% AT0000A3DUZ3 1,72%
Statnett SF 0.875% XS1788494257 1,58%
JPMorgan Chase & Co. 3.674% XS2838379712 1,57%
Royal Bank of Canada 0% XS2853494602 1,56%
Raiffeisenlandesbank Oberosterreich AG 3.125% AT0000A326M6 1,48%
European Financial Stability Facility (EFSF) 0.4% EU000A1G0D62 1,43%
Bpifrance SA 0.125% FR0013505518 1,42%
Sonstige 82,96%