

24 Fonds Ergebnisse

Name WKN KVG F-Fex
1J Perf.
5J Perf.
10J Perf.
in Mio.
Northern Trust Global Funds plc - The Global US Dollar C Inc Fonds A1CWB8 Northern Trust Global Investments 4,20 - - 26515,13
Northern Trust Global Funds plc - The Sterling Fund Class A Fonds A0RBA7 Northern Trust Global Investments 4,72 - - 11197,92
Northern Trust Global Funds plc - The Sterling Fund Class B Fonds A1CWA2 Northern Trust Global Investments 4,74 - - 11197,92
Northern Trust Global Funds plc - The Sterling Fund Class C Fonds A1CWA3 Northern Trust Global Investments 4,88 - - 11197,92
Northern Trust Global Funds plc - The Sterling Fund Class D Fonds A1CWA4 Northern Trust Global Investments 4,82 - - 11197,92
Northern Trust Global Funds plc - The Sterling Fund Class E Fonds A2AKU7 Northern Trust Global Investments 4,84 - - 11197,92
Northern Trust Global Funds plc - The Sterling Fund Class F Fonds A1CWB0 Northern Trust Global Investments 4,79 - - 11197,92
Northern Trust Global Funds plc - The Sterling Fund Class G Fonds Northern Trust Global Investments - - - 11197,92
Northern Trust Global US Dollar A Inc Fonds A1CWB6 Northern Trust Global Investments 4,06 - - 26515,13
Northern Trust Global US Dollar B Inc Fonds A1CWB7 Northern Trust Global Investments 4,10 - - 26515,13
Northern Trust Global US Dollar D Fonds A1CWB9 Northern Trust Global Investments 3,71 - - 26515,13
Northern Trust Global US Dollar E Fonds Northern Trust Global Investments 3,73 - - 26515,13
Northern Trust Global US Dollar F Fonds A1CWCA Northern Trust Global Investments 3,70 - - 26515,13
Northern Trust The Euro Liquidity Fund Class A EUR Accumulating Fonds A3EP92 Northern Trust Global Investments 3,69 - - 3087,92
Northern Trust the Euro Liquidity Fund Class A Distributing Fonds A12DBY Northern Trust Global Investments 3,36 4,33 1,44 3087,92
Northern Trust The Euro Liquidity Fund Class B EUR Accumulating Fonds A3EP93 Northern Trust Global Investments 3,73 - - 3087,92
Northern Trust the Euro Liquidity Fund Class B Distributing Fonds A12ABH Northern Trust Global Investments 0,00 - - 3087,92
Northern Trust the Euro Liquidity Fund Class C Distributing Fonds Northern Trust Global Investments 0,00 - - 3087,92
Northern Trust The Euro Liquidity Fund Class D EUR Accumulating Fonds A3EP95 Northern Trust Global Investments 3,81 - - 3087,92
Northern Trust the Euro Liquidity Fund Class D Distributing Fonds A2N96F Northern Trust Global Investments 3,69 - - 3087,92