My 3 Favorite Stocks to Buy Right Now

25.10.24 15:15 Uhr

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13,80 EUR -0,10 EUR -0,72%

Many of my friends like to ask me what my favorite stocks are. Ideally, my portfolio should contain a healthy mix of growth stocks and dividend stocks. This is because I want to structure the portfolio in a way that gives me passive income while helping me to compound my wealth over the long term. Call it the best of both worlds if you will, but I believe that having such a mix helps me to achieve diversification while also providing sufficient exposure to both growth and income stocks.You can do the same for your portfolio, too, if you seek a mix of growth and income. Dividend stocks should include businesses that generate consistent free cash flow and have a long history of paying out dividends. Growth stocks, on the other hand, need to possess sustainable catalysts that can ensure the business can grow its revenue and net income for the long term.Here are three favorite stocks that you can consider buying for your investment portfolio.Continue readingWeiter zum vollständigen Artikel bei MotleyFool

Ausgewählte Hebelprodukte auf NOW

Mit Knock-outs können spekulative Anleger überproportional an Kursbewegungen partizipieren. Wählen Sie einfach den gewünschten Hebel und wir zeigen Ihnen passende Open-End Produkte auf NOW


Quelle: MotleyFool

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