Millicom (Tigo) updates on the conditions for its ongoing share repurchase activity

17.12.24 16:53 Uhr

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Millicom (Tigo) updates on the conditions for its ongoing share repurchase activity

Luxembourg, December 17, 2024 - Millicom hereby informs that, due to Swedish regulatory considerations, Millicom will, during the period until March 2, 2025, not be repurchasing SDRs or Millicom U.S. Shares at a price above USD 25.75 or the equivalent amount in SEK (such price being the increased offer price that Atlas Luxco S.à r.l offered holders of SDRs and Millicom U.S. Shares in its public takeover offer for Millicom’s SDRs and U.S. Shares earlier this year). 


For further information, please contact

Sofía Corral, Director Corporate Communications
Michel Morin, VP Investor Relations

About Millicom

Millicom (NASDAQ U.S.: TIGO, Nasdaq Stockholm: TIGO_SDB) is a leading provider of fixed and mobile telecommunications services in Latin America. Through our TIGO® and Tigo Business® brands, we provide a wide range of digital services and products, including TIGO Money for mobile financial services, TIGO Sports for local entertainment, TIGO ONEtv for pay TV, high-speed data, voice, and business-to-business solutions such as cloud and security. As of September 30, 2024, Millicom, including its Honduras Joint Venture, employed approximately 15,000 people, and provided mobile and fiber-cable services through its digital highways to more than 46 million customers, with a fiber-cable footprint of about 14 million homes passed. Founded in 1990, Millicom International Cellular S.A. is headquartered in Luxembourg.

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