KBC Group: KBC welcomes extension of the KBC Group anchoring agreement made among Cera, KBC Ancora, MRBB and Other Stable Shareholders

29.11.24 08:00 Uhr

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Together with MRBB and Other Stable Shareholders, Cera and KBC Ancora have confirmed to extend their anchoring agreement with respect to KBC Group NV for a further term of ten years. In doing so, these shareholders will continue to ensure shareholder stability and further support the sustainable development of the KBC group. KBC has taken note of this extension of the shareholders' agreement.

Johan Thijs, KBC Group NV CEO: 'We are very happy to hear that KBC Ancora, Cera, MRBB and Other Stable Shareholders have agreed to extend their agreement for another 10 years because it brings stability and continuity to KBC Group NV. We would like to thank our core shareholders for the trust they have always placed in KBC and wish to continue to place in our group going forward. A shareholder structure that is stable and rooted in the local community allows us to continue to grow in a healthy and profitable way and to create value for all shareholders and stakeholders in the long term.'

Together with MRBB and Other Stable Shareholders, Cera and KBC Ancora ensure the shareholder stability and continuity of KBC group with a long-term vision for innovation and sustainable growth. To this end, a shareholders’ agreement was signed on 23 December 2004 for an initial term of ten years. The agreement was extended in updated form for a further period of ten years with effect from 1 December 2014, and is now being further extended without amendment for another period of ten years.

In this context, Cera, KBC Ancora, MRBB and Other Stable Shareholders have contributed all their shares to the shareholders’ agreement. As a result,  the agreement will continue to group more than 30% of all KBC Group NV shares.

The precise number of shares to be brought into the agreement by all parties will be determined on 1 December 2024 when the extension comes into effect and the competent bodies of all parties have taken the requisite decisions.


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Nachrichten zu KBC Groep N.V.

Analysen zu KBC Groep N.V.

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