Graham Corporation to Present at the Noble Capital Markets Conference

21.11.24 22:15 Uhr

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39,80 EUR 0,20 EUR 0,51%

Graham Corporation (NYSE: GHM) ("GHM” or "the Company”), a global leader in the design and manufacture of mission critical fluid, power, heat transfer and vacuum technologies for the defense, space, energy and process industries, today announced that Christopher J. Thome, Vice President – Finance and Chief Financial Officer, and Matt Malone, Vice President of Graham Corporation and General Manager of Barber-Nichols, will present and host investor meetings at the Noble Capital Markets Emerging Growth Equity Conference at the Florida Atlantic University in Boca Raton on Wednesday, December 4, 2024.

The Company presentation is scheduled to begin at 10:30 a.m. Eastern Time. A high-definition video webcast of the presentation will be available the following day at GHM Investor Relations, and as part of a complete catalog of presentations available at Noble Capital Markets’ Conference website and on Channelchek the investor portal created by Noble. The webcast will be archived on the company's website, the NobleCon website, and on for 90 days following the event.

About Graham Corporation

Graham is a global leader in the design and manufacture of mission critical fluid, power, heat transfer and vacuum technologies for the defense, space, energy, and process industries. Graham Corporation and its family of global brands are built upon world-renowned engineering expertise in vacuum and heat transfer, cryogenic pumps, and turbomachinery technologies, as well as its responsive and flexible service and the unsurpassed quality customers have come to expect from the Company’s products and systems. Graham Corporation routinely posts news and other important information on its website,, where additional information on Graham Corporation and its businesses can be found.

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