Federal General Election Now Under Way
23.03.25 19:01 Uhr
GATINEAU, QC, March 23, 2025 /CNW/ -
- The 45th federal general election will be held on Monday, April 28, 2025.
- Elections Canada offices will open soon in each of the 343 federal electoral districts (ridings). Electors can visit an office to register and vote early by special ballot or to get information about voting or becoming a candidate.
- Canadian citizens who are at least 18 years old on election day are eligible to vote if they:
- Are registered. Most Canadians who are eligible to vote are already registered in the National Register of Electors. To check if they are registered or to register to vote, electors should use the Online Voter Registration Service at elections.ca, call us at 1-800-463-6868 or contact their local Elections Canada office. They can also register in person at their assigned polling place when they go to vote.
- Show proof of their identity and address. There are many different pieces of ID that can be used to prove identity and address. The full list is available online.
- There are several ways to vote. Electors can:
- Vote on election day (Monday, April 28) at their assigned polling station
- Vote on advance polling days (Friday, April 18; Saturday, April 19; Sunday, April 20; and Monday, April 21) at their assigned polling station
- Vote early at any Elections Canada office across the country (until Tuesday, April 22, 6 p.m.)
- Vote by mail: Electors must apply by Tuesday, April 22, 6 p.m. and return their special ballot by mail (deadlines apply) or in person at their local Elections Canada office before polls close on election day.
- Electors planning to return their special ballot by mail should plan ahead and make sure there is enough time to receive a voting kit and return their completed ballot to Elections Canada by the deadline indicated in their kit.
- There are other ways for electors to vote, such as at a Vote on Campus office or at their long-term care facility. They can check elections.ca for the full list of voting options.
- Electors do not need to wait for their voter information card to find out where to vote. They can go to elections.ca at any time and enter their postal code to see the location of the Elections Canada office in their riding and, once they are identified, their assigned polling stations.
- Elections Canada is hiring election workers to fill various paid positions in this general election. Anyone interested in making an impact in their community can apply online at elections.ca or contact their local Elections Canada office for more information.
- As a result of the general election, the by-election in Halifax (Nova Scotia) is cancelled in accordance with subsection 31(3) of the Parliament of Canada Act.
Key dates for electors
- Until Tuesday, April 22, 6 p.m.: Electors can apply online to vote by special ballot. They can also download an application from elections.ca and submit it by mail, fax or in person at a local Elections Canada office. Their voting kit will explain how to complete and return their special ballot.
- Until Tuesday, April 22,6 p.m.: Electors can vote by special ballot at any local Elections Canada office.
- By Monday, April 14: Elections Canada will send the Guide to the federal election to households across Canada and a voter information card to registered electors. Electors don't have to wait to get their voter information card to find out where and when they can vote—they can check this information by visiting elections.ca and entering their postal code.
- Monday, April 7 at 2 p.m. (Eastern time): Candidate nominations close. Electors can find the complete list of candidates in their riding by visiting elections.ca on or after Wednesday, April 9.
- Monday, April 14–Saturday, April 19: Canadian Armed Forces electors can vote at the military poll set up for their base or unit.
- Sunday, April 13–Wednesday, April 16: Vote on Campus—Electors can vote by special ballot at participating university and college campuses across the country.
- Wednesday, April 16: Incarcerated electors can vote at the place where they are serving their sentence.
- Friday, April 18–Monday, April 21: Advance polling days—Electors can vote at their assigned advance polling station; they can find the location by checking their voter information card or visiting elections.ca. Polls will be open from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. each day.
- Sunday, April 20–Tuesday, April 22: Mobile polls will visit acute care facilities, such as hospitals.
- Tuesday, April 22, 6 p.m.: Deadline to apply to vote by mail and to vote by special ballot at an Elections Canada office. Deadline for voter registration in advance of election day; electors can still register at their election day poll just before they vote.
- Monday, April 28: Election day— Mobile polls will serve electors in long-term care facilities and seniors' residences. Times vary for each institution. Electors can vote at their assigned polling station; they can find the location by checking their voter information card or visiting elections.ca. Polls will be open for 12 hours (hours vary by time zone).
- After election day: Returning officers validate the results, usually in the first two or three days after election day. The validated results will be posted on elections.ca.
Elections Canada is an independent, non-partisan agency that reports directly to Parliament.
Subscribe to our news service at elections.ca.
SOURCE Elections Canada