Celsius Stock Is Beaten Down Now, but It Could 10X

18.11.24 11:15 Uhr

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It's been a difficult year for Celsius Holdings (NASDAQ: CELH), with the stock trading down more than 70% from the highs it hit earlier this year. The energy drink maker ran into some headwinds recently, but its long-term prospects remain bright.Let's take a closer look at what is behind the decline in Celsius' stock price and why the stock could be a strong rebound candidate in the years ahead.There are two primary reasons why Celsius' stock has struggled this year. The first is that its growth normalized following the distribution deal it made with PepsiCo in 2022. The deal helped greatly expand Celsius' presence in the all-important convenience store channel, leading to astonishing yet unsustainable revenue growth throughout 2023. As the company started to lap these distribution gains, growth inevitably slowed, but that seemed to catch many investors, who had become used to its eye-popping sales growth, off guard. As growth began to decelerate from the 95% it reported in the fourth quarter of 2023 to 37% in the first quarter of 2024 and then lower thereafter, the stock tumbled. Continue readingWeiter zum vollständigen Artikel bei MotleyFool

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Quelle: MotleyFool

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