3 No-Brainer Artificial Intelligence (AI) Stocks to Buy With $500 Right Now

16.11.24 12:10 Uhr

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13,80 EUR -0,10 EUR -0,72%

Artificial intelligence (AI) is the biggest trend driving gains in the stock market since the start of the current bull market in October 2022. Companies have collectively added trillions of dollars to their market caps thanks to massive growth in AI spending and the opportunities generative artificial intelligence unlocks. But the AI boom may still have a long way to go.Generative AI cloud infrastructure could grow to a $470 billion market by 2032, growing at an average rate of 30% from 2022, according to forecasts from Bloomberg Intelligence. Meanwhile, the analysts expect software spending for things like specialized AI assistants and workflow improvements to grow 71% per year to reach a combined $318 billion.High expectations for growth throughout the tech industry have led some stocks to soar in price, but there are still plenty of opportunities left for investors. With just $500, you could buy any one of the following stocks at a price that's more than fair. As AI spending continues to climb, these stocks should all benefit.Continue readingWeiter zum vollständigen Artikel bei MotleyFool

Ausgewählte Hebelprodukte auf NOW

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Quelle: MotleyFool

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