UBS (Lux) Bond - China Fixed Income (RMB) I-B Fonds

101,48 EUR -0,46 EUR -0,45 %
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Top Holdings

Chart Asset Allocation
Name ISIN Anteil
Guangdong (Province of) 3.41% CND1000472D6 2,93%
Agricultural Development Bank of China 3.01% CND100067KG2 2,89%
The Export-Import Bank of China 2.46% CND10007LBN2 2,82%
Guangdong (Province of) 3.38% CND10001YBG2 2,40%
Guangdong (Province of) 2.88% CND100036TH6 2,36%
Agricultural Bank of China Ltd. 3.45% CND1000593J6 2,33%
China Development Bank 2.69% CND100058Q29 2,31%
China (People's Republic Of) 1.74% CND10008GYY9 2,25%
China State Railway Group Co., Ltd. 4.48% CND100008N64 2,21%
China (People's Republic Of) 2.05% CND10007Q978 1,84%
Sonstige 75,66%