Mirova Funds - Mirova Global Green Bond Fund R/D Fonds

86,38 EUR -0,56 EUR -0,64 %
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Top Holdings

Chart Asset Allocation
Name ISIN Anteil
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 0.875% GB00BM8Z2S21 2,46%
Italy (Republic Of) 4% IT0005542359 2,06%
Spain (Kingdom of) 1% ES0000012J07 1,73%
Italy (Republic Of) 1.5% IT0005438004 1,64%
Germany (Federal Republic Of) 0% DE0001030724 1,50%
Italy (Republic Of) 4% IT0005508590 1,44%
Germany (Federal Republic Of) 0% DE0001030716 1,28%
Chile (Republic Of) 0.83% XS1843433639 1,09%
European Investment Bank 2.875% XS1811852109 0,95%
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 1.5% GB00BM8Z2V59 0,91%
Sonstige 84,95%