Fullerton Lux Asian Currency Bonds A Fonds

8,37 USD +0,04 USD +0,49 %
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Top Holdings

Chart Asset Allocation
Name ISIN Anteil
International Bank for Reconstruction & Development 6.5% XS2610898665 3,84%
Inter-American Development Bank 7.05% XS2795682140 3,08%
The Republic of Korea 3.5% KR103501GD99 2,70%
China (People's Republic Of) 2.88% CND100063XD1 2,55%
Indonesia (Republic of) 8.75% IDG000011701 2,52%
Philippines (Republic Of) 6.25% US718286BM88 2,41%
Singapore (Republic of) 0% SGXZ67513366 2,13%
Cagamas Berhad 3.55% MYBVI1902771 1,99%
China Development Bank 3.4% CND100042902 1,96%
Malaysia (Government Of) 4.736% MYBMZ1600022 1,87%
Sonstige 74,96%