Top Holdings
Name | ISIN | Anteil |
France (Republic Of) 1.75% | FR0013234333 | 9,37% |
New Zealand (Government Of) 4.25% | NZGOVDT534C4 | 5,54% |
International Bank for Reconstruction & Development 4.25% | XS2288098457 | 5,25% |
Ireland (Republic Of) 1.35% | IE00BFZRQ242 | 4,56% |
Netherlands (Kingdom Of) 0.5% | NL0013552060 | 3,94% |
Colombia (Republic Of) 7% | COL17CT03797 | 3,44% |
Asian Development Bank 3.125% | US045167EJ82 | 3,39% |
Belgium (Kingdom Of) 1.25% | BE0000346552 | 3,31% |
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 0.875% | GB00BM8Z2S21 | 3,09% |
Kreditanstalt Fur Wiederaufbau 3.367% | XS2563353957 | 3,04% |
Sonstige | 55,06% |