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This Sub-Fund shall invest in subordinated bonds and preferred securities of corporate issuers (corporate hybrid), other fixed or floatingrate debt securities and short-term debt securities of corporate issuers denominated in any currencies (including Emerging Market currencies), as well as in (i) non-subordinated debt securities, (ii) debt securities issued or guaranteed by governmental issuers, (iii) Coco Bonds and/or (iv) convertible bonds. At the discretion of the Portfolio Manager, the Sub-Fund may be fully invested, in accordance with the applicable diversification rules, in Cash and Cash Equivalents (including short-term ABS/MBS which may represent up to 10% of investments within Cash and Cash Equivalents). In particular, while approaching the term of the Sub-Fund as mentioned below, positions in Cash and Cash Equivalents will tend to grow.
LO Funds IV - Corporate Hybrid 2 D JPY Hedged Dis Fonds