The Sub-Fund will mainly seek to access the returns available from Investment Grade Emerging Market Transferable Securities which are debt in nature and other instruments issued by Sovereigns, Quasi-Sovereigns and Corporates denominated in local currencies, as well as US Dollars and other major currencies, including also investing, within the limits set out, in financial derivative instruments and related synthetic structures or products, such as those described below provided that such securities or instruments, and in the case of currencies, the Sovereign issuer, is Investment Grade. The Fund is actively managed and references a blended benchmark comprised of 50% JP Morgan EMBI GD IG, 25% JP Morgan GBI-EM GD IG and 25% JP Morgan ELMI+ IG (the “Benchmark”) as part of its investment process for the purpose of comparing its performance against that of the Benchmark. The Investment Manager has full discretion over the composition of the portfolio of the Sub-Fund.
Ashmore SICAV Emerging Markets Investment Grade Total Return Fund Class Institutional III USD Acc Fonds