Rendite für Rating Aa2 Rating: Aaa Aa1 Aa2 Aa3 A1 A2 A3 Baa1 Baa2 Baa3 Ba1 Ba2 Ba3 B1 B2 B3 Caa1 Caa2 Caa3 Ca C Public Corporate Euro Alle Name WKN Kupon Laufzeit Rendite Cooeperatieve Rabobank UA A1ZJKJ - 23.05.2034 11,19% Cooeperatieve Rabobank UA A18X49 - 29.02.2036 10,98% Cooeperatieve Rabobank UA A186SZ - 05.04.2031 9,95% Cooeperatieve Rabobank UA A18W2Q - 22.01.2026 9,62% Cooeperatieve Rabobank UA 193572 - 23.07.2027 9,54% IPIC GMTN A1GWVT 6.875% 01.11.2041 6,82% DZ HYP A3H2TS 0.010% 26.05.2026 6,30% Midamerican Energy A3KUG1 2.700% 01.08.2052 5,86% Shell International Finance BV A18548 3.750% 12.09.2046 5,83% Bayerische Landesbank BLB8DU 6.337% 20.10.2028 5,83% DZ BANK Deutsche Zentral-Genossenschaftsbank Frankfurt am Main DJ9AKK 3.250% 03.06.2032 5,81% Shell International Finance BV A2R96H 3.125% 07.11.2049 5,80% Florida Power & Light A19SGU 3.700% 01.12.2047 5,80% Florida Power & Light A190N4 4.125% 01.06.2048 5,79% MDGH GMTN RSC A3KR15 3.400% 07.06.2051 5,77% Shell International Finance BV A1Z1EZ 4.375% 11.05.2045 5,77% Shell International Finance BV A28VTB 3.250% 06.04.2050 5,73% Wells Fargo Bank NA A3LTMV 5.970% 15.01.2026 5,73% Florida Power & Light A1HEBS 3.800% 15.12.2042 5,73% Chevron USA A287MR 4.200% 15.10.2049 5,72% Cooeperatieve Rabobank UA A1AZNB 5.375% 03.08.2060 5,71% Florida Power & Light A1G4ZW 4.050% 01.06.2042 5,71% Chevron USA A287MQ 4.950% 15.08.2047 5,70% Florida Power & Light A1GYB5 4.125% 01.02.2042 5,70% Shell International Finance BV A282AZ 1.750% 10.09.2052 5,69% Shell International Finance BV A3KZL4 3.000% 26.11.2051 5,69% DZ BANK Deutsche Zentral-Genossenschaftsbank Frankfurt am Main DW6C2G 5.615% 02.03.2033 5,69% Shell International Finance BV A181DR 4.000% 10.05.2046 5,69% Midamerican Energy A2RWAR 4.250% 15.07.2049 5,69% Florida Power & Light A2R7UL 3.150% 01.10.2049 5,68% Chevron USA A287MP 5.050% 15.11.2044 5,68% Exxon Mobil A18YRE 4.114% 01.03.2046 5,68% Cooeperatieve Rabobank UA A1GRKX 5.250% 23.05.2041 5,67% Equinor ASA A28VS4 3.700% 06.04.2050 5,67% Shell International Finance BV A1HPXL 4.550% 12.08.2043 5,67% Exxon Mobil A28V9J 3.452% 15.04.2051 5,67% Berkshire Hathaway Finance A2R3UM 2.625% 19.06.2059 5,67% Exxon Mobil A2R6VM 3.095% 16.08.2049 5,67% Florida Power & Light A1VGRJ 4.050% 01.10.2044 5,66% Florida Power & Light A2RYKY 3.990% 01.03.2049 5,66% Exxon Mobil A1ZX8G 3.567% 06.03.2045 5,66% Midamerican Energy A19VVJ 3.650% 01.08.2048 5,66% Midamerican Energy A2R81Q 3.150% 15.04.2050 5,66% Florida Power & Light A19XBM 3.950% 01.03.2048 5,66% The Export-Import Bank of Korea A3LQ0Y 5.938% 21.11.2028 5,65% Florida Power & Light A3LE4D 5.300% 01.04.2053 5,65% Equinor ASA A2SAN1 3.250% 18.11.2049 5,65% Galaxy Pipeline Assets Bidco A284TA 3.250% 30.09.2040 5,64% Exxon Mobil A28U9M 4.327% 19.03.2050 5,64% Shell International Finance BV A3KZL3 2.875% 26.11.2041 5,64% 123456789...38