U.S. Regulators May Impose an Asset Cap on Toronto-Dominion Bank -- and the Stock Is Tumbling

10.10.24 17:09 Uhr

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53,02 EUR 0,39 EUR 0,74%



7.466,2 PKT -56,8 PKT -0,75%

25.390,7 PKT 354,2 PKT 1,41%


Shares of Toronto-Dominion Bank (NYSE: TD) fell by as much as 7% Thursday morning after a bombshell report from The Wall Street Journal said that U.S. regulators were preparing to fine the large Canadian lender about $3 billion and place an asset cap on its U.S. operations in a deal to settle charges that it had failed to properly follow anti-money-laundering laws. As of 11 a.m. ET, shares were trading down 4.7%. The Wall Street Journal report, citing anonymous sources, said a settlement could be announced as early as Thursday between TD Bank, the Justice Department, the Federal Reserve, the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, and the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN). TD Bank is expected to plead guilty to criminal charges from the Justice Department.Regulators and authorities assert that TD failed to build the proper internal programs and controls to detect and prevent money laundering, and that drug cartels had taken advantage of that. The Wall Street Journal previously reported that the Justice Department was investigating TD after authorities learned that Chinese criminal organizations had laundered millions of dollars accrued from the sale of fentanyl through the bank's branches in New York and New Jersey, bribing bank employees in the process. The paper also reported that these issues led regulators last year to block TD's plan to acquire First Horizon and expand its U.S. operations in the South.Continue readingWeiter zum vollständigen Artikel bei MotleyFool

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Quelle: MotleyFool

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