Toronto-Dominion Bank: Buy, Sell, or Hold?

29.09.24 15:30 Uhr

Werte in diesem Artikel

53,02 EUR 0,39 EUR 0,74%



7.466,2 PKT -56,8 PKT -0,75%

25.390,7 PKT 354,2 PKT 1,41%


Toronto-Dominion Bank (NYSE: TD), one of the largest banks in North America, has stumbled. There is no way around that fact. But the reaction on Wall Street has left the dividend yield at 4.7%, well above the 2.5% yield of the average bank, using the SPDR S&P Bank ETF as an industry proxy. Is this Canadian banking giant a buy, sell, or hold today?The big reason to buy Toronto-Dominion Bank, usually just referred to as TD Bank, is its well above-average dividend yield. In other words, this is an income investor stock. Notably, TD Bank has paid a dividend each year since 1857, well over 100 years. You can most likely count on TD Bank to keep paying you. It also has an investment-grade-rated balance sheet, so it remains a rock-solid company.Image source: Getty Images.Continue readingWeiter zum vollständigen Artikel bei MotleyFool

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Quelle: MotleyFool

Nachrichten zu Toronto-Dominion Bank

Analysen zu Toronto-Dominion Bank

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30.08.2019Toronto-Dominion Bank Market PerformBMO Capital Markets
11.06.2019Toronto-Dominion Bank OverweightBarclays Capital
18.07.2017Toronto-Dominion Bank BuyCanaccord Adams
28.08.2015Toronto-Dominion Bank OutperformRBC Capital Markets
03.09.2012Toronto-Dominion Bank outperformRBC Capital Markets
23.05.2017Toronto-Dominion Bank Equal WeightBarclays Capital
13.03.2017Toronto-Dominion Bank Sector PerformRBC Capital Markets
10.09.2010Toronto-Dominion Bank performOppenheimer & Co. Inc.
08.07.2010Toronto-Dominion "perform"Oppenheimer & Co. Inc.
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Alle: Alle Empfehlungen

Buy: Kaufempfehlungen wie z.B. "kaufen" oder "buy"
Hold: Halten-Empfehlungen wie z.B. "halten" oder "neutral"
Sell: Verkaufsempfehlungn wie z.B. "verkaufen" oder "reduce"