This Artificial Intelligence (AI) Innovator, Up 557% in 2 Years, Could Be the Next Stock-Split Stock

01.11.24 22:30 Uhr

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1,78 EUR -0,01 EUR -0,56%

When management announces a stock split, it usually comes after a long run-up in the company's stock price. And while a split doesn't change any of the underlying fundamentals of a business, it's a strong signal from management that they believe the stock will continue to appreciate over time. It's no surprise then that investors flock to stock-split stocks to capitalize on the momentum and the signal management's sending.But even better than buying shares after management announces a stock split is buying shares before the announcement. Since reaching an intra-day low about two years ago, the share price of one of the leading artificial intelligence (AI) companies in the world has climbed 557%. And despite shares soaring to new all-time highs this year, there's still a lot of potential left in the business.That's why investors should consider buying shares of Meta Platforms (NASDAQ: META).Continue readingWeiter zum vollständigen Artikel bei MotleyFool

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