The Best Robotaxi Stock to Buy Now (Hint: Not Tesla)

16.10.24 12:45 Uhr

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Tesla (NASDAQ: TSLA) held an event showing off its robotaxi ambitions on Oct. 10. It unveiled the Cybercab and Robovan, two autonomous vehicles designed with a robotaxi service in mind. CEO Elon Musk said he expects the Model 3 and Model Y to support unsupervised full self-driving in certain states by the end of next year and the Cybercab to go into production by the end of 2026.However, Musk was light on the details of how a robotaxi business would actually work. Will Tesla operate the network? Will it sell cars to a network operator? Can Cybercab owners put their cars into the fleet of vehicles to earn money while they sit at work or home?Many investors believe Tesla's potential robotaxi business will be worth more than the business of selling cars. But Musk has yet to show a clear path from where we are now to that future.Continue readingWeiter zum vollständigen Artikel bei MotleyFool

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Quelle: MotleyFool

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