Should Value Investors Buy Empresa Distribuidora Y Comercializadora Norte S.A. Edenor (EDN) Stock?
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While the proven Zacks Rank places an emphasis on earnings estimates and estimate revisions to find strong stocks, we also know that investors tend to develop their own individual strategies. With this in mind, we are always looking at value, growth, and momentum trends to discover great companies.Of these, value investing is easily one of the most popular ways to find great stocks in any market environment. Value investors use a variety of methods, including tried-and-true valuation metrics, to find these stocks.On top of the Zacks Rank, investors can also look at our innovative Style Scores system to find stocks with specific traits. For example, value investors will want to focus on the "Value" category. Stocks with high Zacks Ranks and "A" grades for Value will be some of the highest-quality value stocks on the market today.One company to watch right now is Empresa Distribuidora Y Comercializadora Norte S.A. Edenor (EDN). EDN is currently holding a Zacks Rank of #2 (Buy) and a Value grade of A.Investors should also recognize that EDN has a P/B ratio of 1.48. The P/B ratio pits a stock's market value against its book value, which is defined as total assets minus total liabilities. This stock's P/B looks attractive against its industry's average P/B of 2.68. Over the past 12 months, EDN's P/B has been as high as 1.48 and as low as 0.40, with a median of 0.83.Value investors also frequently use the P/S ratio. This metric is found by dividing a stock's price with the company's revenue. Some people prefer this metric because sales are harder to manipulate on an income statement. This means it could be a truer performance indicator. EDN has a P/S ratio of 0.72. This compares to its industry's average P/S of 2.1.These figures are just a handful of the metrics value investors tend to look at, but they help show that Empresa Distribuidora Y Comercializadora Norte S.A. Edenor is likely being undervalued right now. Considering this, as well as the strength of its earnings outlook, EDN feels like a great value stock at the moment.Free Today: Profiting from The Future’s Brightest Energy SourceThe demand for electricity is growing exponentially. At the same time, we’re working to reduce our dependence on fossil fuels like oil and natural gas. Nuclear energy is an ideal replacement.Leaders from the US and 21 other countries recently committed to TRIPLING the world’s nuclear energy capacities. This aggressive transition could mean tremendous profits for nuclear-related stocks – and investors who get in on the action early enough.Our urgent report, Atomic Opportunity: Nuclear Energy's Comeback, explores the key players and technologies driving this opportunity, including 3 standout stocks poised to benefit the most.Download Atomic Opportunity: Nuclear Energy's Comeback free today.Want the latest recommendations from Zacks Investment Research? Today, you can download 7 Best Stocks for the Next 30 Days. Click to get this free report Empresa Distribuidora Y Comercializadora Norte S.A. (Edenor) (EDN): Free Stock Analysis ReportTo read this article on click here.Zacks Investment ResearchWeiter zum vollständigen Artikel bei Zacks
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