Is IBM's Bet on AI Starting to Pay Off?

15.11.24 13:27 Uhr

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You might not think of IBM (NYSE: IBM) as an artificial intelligence (AI) expert. The tech veteran is famous for its early PC computers, business-critical mainframes, and unmatched portfolio of consulting services. But IBM is never the first name that springs to mind in the AI conversation.That perception should change very soon. The company has been a quiet AI leader for decades already, betting a large chunk of the proverbial farm on this technology way back in 2011. The rest of the tech sector is finally joining the party, setting IBM up for stunning long-term growth amid the AI boom.IBM's AI expertise is unquestionable. The company popularized machine-based thinking decades ago, when its Deep Blue chess computer beat world champion Garry Kasparov in a match of six games. That was a game-changing achievement of supercomputers in 1997.Continue readingWeiter zum vollständigen Artikel bei MotleyFool

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Quelle: MotleyFool

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