Change in the Management Board of AS Ekspress Grupp

30.10.24 09:00 Uhr

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Argo Rannamets, the financial director and a member of the Management Board of AS Ekspress Grupp, will leave the company at his own request on January 29, 2025. An executive search will be organised to find a new CFO / member of the Management Board.

Argo Rannamets has been working as Group financial director and the member of the Management Board since November 2023. The Supervisory Board of AS Ekspress Grupp is thankful to Argo Rannamets for his contribution to the management of the Group.

Until the new board member is elected, the Group’s Management Board will continue with two members: Mari-Liis Rüütsalu (Chairman of the Board) and Karl Anton.

Mari-Liis Rüütsalu
Chairman of the Management Board
+372 512 2591

AS Ekspress Grupp is the leading Baltic media group whose key activities include web media content production as well as publishing of newspapers, magazines and books. The Group also operates an electronic ticket sales platform and ticket offices and provides an outdoor screen service in Estonia and Latvia. Ekspress Grupp launched its operations in 1989 and it employs almost 1100 people.

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21.07.2009Ekspress Grupp klarer VervielfachungskandidatEmerging Markets Investor
21.07.2009Ekspress Grupp klarer VervielfachungskandidatEmerging Markets Investor

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