AXA launches Mind Health Self-check, its new mental health prevention tool

12.11.24 17:30 Uhr

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According to the World Health Organization, mental health issues cost the global economy $1 trillion in lost productivity. This represents a significant loss of productivity, with 12 billion working days lost each year due to depression and anxiety. That's why AXA has been committed for several years to better understanding and raising awareness among its clients, businesses, and society about this essential issue. Today, AXA is launching the Mind Health Self-check, a tool designed to raise individuals' awareness about their own mental health. This free questionnaire provides an individual diagnosis and advice to understand how skills, beliefs and lifestyle influence one's mental health. It helps users identify how to better manage their mental well-being.Available in 13 countries and 10 languages, this tool will benefit a wide range of people in a confidential and anonymous way. It aims to promote self-awareness, encourage proactive management, and support informed decision-making about one's mental well-being.To have access to the tool:'s aim is to change people's perception of mental health, by shifting the focus from negative stigmas to positive behaviors that promote the fulfillment of all individuals. These findings prompted AXA to develop this universally accessible tool to raise awareness and help assess, understand, and improve people's mental well-being.As an insurance company, AXA wishes to use its expertise to strengthen the prevention of present and future risks, particularly those linked to mental health and well-being, the leading cause of absenteeism at work, for example. Weiter zum vollständigen Artikel bei AXA SAShs

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Quelle: EN, AXA

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