3 Brilliant Growth Stocks to Buy Now and Hold for the Long Term

26.11.24 13:45 Uhr

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13,80 EUR -0,10 EUR -0,72%

Growth stocks can give you the best bang for your buck when it comes to growing your wealth to better prepare for retirement. Such companies can steadily grow their earnings and cash flows, garnering them higher share prices over time. This means that the value of your investment portfolio will also climb up in tandem.The key is to hold such stocks for the long term as time works its magic on high-quality businesses. Selling them in a rush just to lock in short-term profits would unnecessarily disrupt this process of wealth-building.There are certain attributes that are particularly worth looking for when you're trying to select a stock you'll feel good about keeping in your portfolio for many years. The business should boast a strong competitive edge that will help it fend off competition, have a long track record of growing its revenue and net income, and generate copious amounts of free cash flow so it won't have to rely on the kindness of banks or the bond market.Continue readingWeiter zum vollständigen Artikel bei MotleyFool

Ausgewählte Hebelprodukte auf NOW

Mit Knock-outs können spekulative Anleger überproportional an Kursbewegungen partizipieren. Wählen Sie einfach den gewünschten Hebel und wir zeigen Ihnen passende Open-End Produkte auf NOW


Quelle: MotleyFool

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