Pilatus Invest Income M Fonds

996,61 EUR -1,05 EUR -0,11 %
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Top Holdings

Chart Asset Allocation
Name ISIN Anteil
Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI) 1.55% CH1191066278 1,82%
SpareBank 1 Sor-Norge ASA 4.88% XS2671251127 1,79%
Athene Global Funding 0.85% CH0572327028 1,78%
Export-Import Bank of Korea 3.63% XS2687921473 1,72%
Banco Santander-Chile 2.7% US05971WAC73 1,70%
Philip Morris International Inc. 0.63% XS1716243719 1,69%
Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. 1.63% XS1458408561 1,65%
Corporacion Andina de Fomento 0.63% XS2081543204 1,60%
Bank of Montreal 2.75% XS2473715675 1,57%
Chile (Republic Of) 0.1% XS2369244087 1,56%
Sonstige 83,12%