Most Diversified Portfolio - TOBAM Anti-Benchmark Multi-Asset Fund Z Fonds

11.374,92 USD -81,61 USD -0,71 %
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Top Holdings

Chart Asset Allocation
Name ISIN Anteil
Euro Bund Future June 24 DE000C75XMU8 10,59%
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 0.125% GB00BNNGP551 3,49%
Italy (Republic Of) 1.5% IT0005543803 3,17%
Amundi BlmbrgEqualweightCmdexAgrETFAcc LU1829218749 3,02%
Germany (Federal Republic Of) 0.1% DE0001030583 2,35%
United States Treasury Notes 0.125% US91282CDX65 1,52%
Eli Lilly and Co US5324571083 1,50%
Spain (Kingdom of) 0.7% ES0000012C12 1,25%
Johnson & Johnson US4781601046 1,13%
Church & Dwight Co Inc US1713401024 1,06%
Sonstige 70,92%