M&G (Lux) Income Allocation Fund A Fonds

10,89 EUR +0,01 EUR +0,13 %
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Top Holdings

Chart Asset Allocation
Name ISIN Anteil
United States Treasury Bonds 3% US912810TJ79 19,57%
European Bank For Reconstruction & Development 30% XS2525172867 2,05%
Colombia (Republic Of) 6% COL17CT02914 1,61%
South Africa (Republic of) 8% ZAG000106998 1,58%
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 0.5% GB00BMBL1D50 1,57%
Exxon Mobil Corp US30231G1022 1,56%
Secretaria Tesouro Nacional 10% BRSTNCNTF170 1,51%
Microsoft Corp US5949181045 1,47%
Mexico (United Mexican States) 10% MX0MGO000078 1,36%
Apple Inc US0378331005 1,34%
Sonstige 66,39%